DDD services

Under the term DDD, we understand the complex of destruction of rodents (Disinfestation), the process of solving germs (Disinfection) and the elimination of harmful, health and economic dangerous insects (Disinfestation).


Disinfestation is a system of controlling harmful rodents such as mice, rats, and others. It is a complex of measures aimed at the destruction of the health of dangerous and economically harmful rodents to protect human health and to prevent economic damage caused by the rodent.

The part of the disinfestation exercise is:

  • Preparatory and safety measures
  • Continuous rodent monitoring - inputs, species
  • Control, replenishment and replacement of traps
  • Attention to technical issues allowing the entry of rodents into the building
  • Work is done in accordance with relevant hygiene regulations and standards


Every day the people gets into the contact with millions of bacteria and microorganisms. Disinfection is a set of measures to destroy pathogens and microorganisms. Disinfecting interventions are carried out by designated versatile preparations.


Disinfestation is a set of chemical and biological measures to destroy harmful, epidemiological, economically harrowing insects such as cockroaches, ant, flea mosquitoes and other arthropods. Some types of disinfestation can also be performed with a non-spraying technology in full operation.


Service Plus Slovensko, s.r.o., Záhonok 2448/39, 960 01 Zvolen
+421 907 646 058


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