Cleaning quality

The quality of service is provided by Service Plus Slovakia, as follows:


Employees are chosen for an interview, where we try to measure the level of their satisfaction regarding work but also to establish a financial evaluation. Following the evaluation of each candidate we try to agree with him to realize his vision of his evaluation. The team ensures that our employees are satisfied and that there is not frequent exchange of staff at the customer's premises. So we form a stable team for each site so that cleaning team knows the customer's needs and the customer will be completely satisfied with our staff and cleaning products.

Cleaning products

To clean the product areas are used by Johnson Diversey's TASKI system. It is a complex system for daily maintenance, cleanliness and disinfection in the work area. It consists of a highly concentrated detergent, dosage and application bottles and microfiber towels.
The cleaning products are divided by type of use as follows:

  • Area - green cleaning products and application bottles, gray mops
  • Sanitary -  red cleaning products, and application bottles, red towels
  • Furniture – blue cleaning products and application bottles, blue towels

In this system, it never happens that for example a housekeeper uses the same cloth for sanitary equipment as for furniture.

Cleaning technology

The cleaning equipment is supplied by world renowned manufacturers whose machines have already proved in many operations of a similar industrial areas. Their cost is higher than that of conventional machines, but in many cases they have been a good investment, thus avoiding downtime for the customer.

Working system

For each worker we have a precise schedule with work divided by performance in time, or per piece. This system is mainly established in larger premises with several workers to have their working time used whenever possible and avoid downtime.

Regular quality control

The responsible manager regularly checks the work done. Checks are made on dates and times chosen by chance. Workers do not know when their work will be verified. This supervisor controls the work schedules of employees and can control which areas have been cleaned and when, and which ones are still waiting to be cleaned. Assessing the quality of work is thus the most objective. We establish checklists, where staff perform checks based on the actual work schedule.


Service Plus Slovensko, s.r.o., Záhonok 2448/39, 960 01 Zvolen
+421 907 646 058


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